ReStore Cyber Monday Survey
Hello ReStore Online Shopper
thank you for your recent online purchase
ReStore Catawba Valley is committed to making sure you have the best shopping experience! In an effort to obtain feedback about our recent online shopping initiatives, please take a few moments to complete this quick survey. Thank you for your feedback, and for supporting Habitat for Humanity Catawba Valley!
Share Your Voice – Fall 2023
your input helps us build forward
Habitat Catawba Valley is committed to keeping your e-mail address and any personally identifiable information you choose to provide us confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our contact data or lists to third parties, and we will not provide your personal information to any third party individual, government agency, or company at any time unless compelled to do so by law.
2019 Volunteer Groups
Thank you for helping us build something better in Catawba Valley!
2019 Volunteer Groups
- Prysmian
- Catawba Valley Community College “Does Day”
- Publix Super Markets
- Villanova University – Spring Break Service Experience
- Lenoir Rhyne University “Bears Build”
- Discovery High Beta Club
- FedEx
- Resurrection International Church
- Bandys Multicultural Club
- Elevation Church
- CarMax
- Benz
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Special Builds
For more information, contact our Community Outreach Coordinator Jenna Cucco at (828) 328-4663 ext. 315.
Guest Registration
Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us by serving as a Table Captain for our first inaugural Home is the Key Breakfast! We couldn’t make this event a success without you. Once your table is filled with confirmed guests, please complete this form no later than Monday, October 15th. If you have any changes to your guest list after submitting it, please send those changes to Lynn at 828-328-4663×309 or [email protected]. Together, we are building something better!
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ReStore New Site
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Crochet and Connections
“I went to the hospital with a friend years ago, and a lady was sitting there crocheting, and she seemed so content. She said that it gave her something to do with her hands, and it kept her calm. It helped her so much that her husband wanted to learn, and so she taught him, and then her daughter wanted to learn, and pretty soon everybody in the household was crocheting.
I’ve wanted to learn to crochet ever since then, and it’s been a long time. At first, I was working and didn’t have time, but now, I need something to do. I need to keep my hands busy. Crocheting would keep me calm and relax me. And then I could teach somebody else!”
These words were spoken to me by a woman who has been accepted into Habitat’s repair program. She owns her home, but her severe COPD keeps her from being able to maintain it, or even to move around much. She said what a joy it is to be connected with Habitat, to “meet good people, and to be blessed.”
I asked her if she’d like for me to try to find someone who could teach her to crochet. (I have faith in our Habitat connections!) Her response – “WOW. That would be AMAZING. Do you really think you could? I would LOVE to do that. Words can’t express what it would mean to me to be able to learn something, to do something . . .”
If anyone reading this article knows how to crochet and would like to respond to this lovely person’s need, please call Tina or Gail at Habitat, 328-4663, ext. 313 or 310, respectively. Lessons would need to be kept to a half hour or so due to her easy tiring; twice a week would be welcomed.
Overlooked, Underserved, Uncounted
By Mitzi Gellman, Executive Director
A near capacity crowd gathered in Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Grace Chapel on March 5th to learn about issues facing Catawba County’s homeless population. Sponsored by Hickory’s Police Department, the event featured a panel of community leaders from nonprofit human services, judicial, police and commercial real estate. Hal Row, WHKY Radio, moderated the community discussion which included panelists’ comments and questions from the attendees.
A HUD required annual homeless census, The Point-In-Time Count, identifies sheltered (living in emergency shelter, transitional housing or Safe Havens) and unsheltered (living in tents, under bridges, etc.) homeless persons on a single night in January. This year’s Catawba County survey identified 310 homeless individuals and provided the data for the community discussion.
When I arrived at the chapel, I was amazed by the size and the diversity of the audience: students and seniors, volunteers and vocational workers, politicians and police, some faces I knew but there were many new faces too. I was reminded how lucky I am to live in a community that cares so strongly for others.
As I listened to the speakers, I realized that there is a much larger group of people who are virtually homeless, yet not included in the count and the discussion. These are the people who regularly visit Habitat for help – the individuals and families forced to live in a relative’s basement or crowd into a single bedroom because they can’t find affordable housing. Or there are others who live in homes, rental or owner occupied, that are substandard and unsafe.
This lack of affordable, safe housing options is one our community’s greatest need. As most communities, the average monthly apartment rent ($683 in Catawba County) far exceeds the average gross weekly earnings ($290) for a minimum wage worker in NC.
Habitat services can’t provide a solution for homelessness, but that doesn’t diminish the dramatic impact Habitat has on people’s lives. Through Habitat’s homeowner program, families are empowered to help themselves by moving into a new and better life. But it’s a long wait: from homeownership application to handing over the front door keys takes nearly 2 years. Families full of hope will continue to live in substandard housing while completing the requirements for homeownership.
As a community we need to remind ourselves that many of our neighbors continue to live in substandard conditions and identify the virtually homeless as well.
Letter from the Executive Director
Who Serves Whom?
Mitzi Gellman, Executive Director
I treasure warm winter days like crown jewels. After living my entire life in North Carolina, I’ve grown accustomed to expecting 40-degree winter days and complaining about how cold it is.
Following a brutal few days of temperatures in the teens, I slipped out before 5pm on a day when it reached 50 degrees. As I walked through the office door and was halfway to my car, another car drove up and the passenger rolled down her window. She asked if this was the office where she should drop off her application. In a hurry to get home and walk my dog, I smiled and said, “sure, right through that door and up the stairs.”
She smiled and then I realized that she was on oxygen and unable to drive, much less climb a flight of stairs. I stopped and walked over to her car and asked how I could help. In a few short minutes I learned that she lived in an older home, she had recently heard about Habitat Repairs! and that she needed help.
For the next several minutes we talked, I took her paperwork upstairs to Gail for processing. Then I went back down to her car and asked to borrow her NC ID for the application. Another trip back up the stairs to the copier, then back down again to the car, followed by one more trip up and down for something I forgot.
On this trip I asked what type of repairs she needed. Her friend allowed that she really needed a ramp, so she could get into her house safely. I asked about her heating system. “Oh, it’s fine,” she said. “But my roof is in bad shape and the gutters are rotted out.”
“Ok, that’s good. We can help with those things,” I replied.
Then she looked at me and with a smile on her face, but a tear in her eye she asked, “how much will it cost?” From the look on her face it was an answer she didn’t want to know.
I explained that it was complicated, but that it would be something that she could afford. Then I smiled but had a tear in my eye. “Don’t worry, we’ll sort it out, but we can make it work.”
We talked a little longer about how her house was once her grandmother’s and how important it was to her. While we talked I barely noticed that the sun was setting, and the temperatures were cooling off. After all, trips up and down the stairs are as good as a walk. Right?
Scenes like this are repeated nearly every day at Habitat’s office. Through new homeownership with house construction to repairs on aging, existing homes, Habitat restores dignity and creates self-reliance, AND we do it ALL with your help.
End of Year Giving
Dear Friend of Habitat Catawba,
Much of Habitat’s success over the past three decades has been because people like you support Habitat’s mission with gifts, time, and prayers. You’ve made a difference to Habitat and those we serve. Habitat families are like all of us: we want the opportunity to build better lives for ourselves and our children.
I want to share a few stories about the people we serve to show you how you’ve helped others:
- Matthew, 83, loves to sit on the porch of his Hickory home and greet cars with a friendly wave as they pass. After talking with him, it is clear there is nowhere he would rather be than in this house where he and his departed wife raised their children and where he has spent over 60 years of his life. Like most of our repair projects, Matthew’s house was in tremendous need. The leaking roof had caused the ceiling to sag and fall in some areas of the home. Replacing his roof has allowed Matthew not only to be dry and warm, but to make plans for many more years on his front porch.
- Wendy has had a tough year. The 40-year-old mother of two teen sons learned that one of her boys has leukemia. With the help of Woodlawn Baptist Church, we addressed the long list of repairs for her Conover house, including front door and window replacement, siding and garage door repair. Our partnership allowed Wendy to worry less about her home and focus on what’s really important- helping her son recover.
Mahogany and her two children moved into their Northstone home this year. Mahogany was especially moved during her dedication when she described that she applied three times to the Habitat program and her hard work and perseverance had finally paid off. “Now,” she said, “I’m ready to be a homeowner!” Our families understand that homeownership is an investment and that the strong and stable foundation it provides is worth the time, commitment, and courage they put into the process.
- Pao and Suni were among the five families to pay off their mortgage this year. Through hard-work, rigorous budgeting, and a commitment to financial freedom, the young family completed their 15-year mortgage in just 13 years. Still grateful for their opportunity, Pao and Suni can look to a future that includes an asset they can pass along to their children.
We know we could not do these things without your support. Our hope in the coming years is to use all three of our services: homeownership, Habitat Repairs!, and market-rate housing, to revitalize long-neglected neighborhoods throughout our community as we continue to address the housing needs of our neighbors.
Demand for our services continues to grow. We had 394 inquiries for service last year. While we served more families last year than ever before, we are limited by our resources.
That’s why this holiday season we are asking you to consider increasing your giving so that we may empower more families through shelter.
- Your gift of $1,000 provides the brick foundation for a home that will provide a family with a safe and affordable foundation for years to come.
- Your gift of $500 provides materials for a wheelchair ramp for an elderly couple who wants to preserve their independent lifestyle.
- Your gift of $200 provides a front door on a home that children will forget to close for many years.
- Your gift of $100 provides a sink for a home that will help with many a holiday clean up after family gatherings.
Again, thank you for your commitment to our mission and for helping us build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter. We continue to believe that with a little help, everyone has the potential to stand on their own.
With Gratitude,
Mitzi D. Gellman
Executive Director
Habitat Downloads
AIM Meeting 1-16-2018
Applicant Information Meeting (AIM)
Our next application cycle will begin with an AIM on Tuesday, January 16th, 2018, at the St. Stephen’s Library, Meeting Room from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
(For GPS 3225 Springs Rd. NE, Hickory, NC 28601)
To find out if your income meets program income guidelines, please call for an income screening application. (We can only determine income eligibility based on your current income. Any changes — up or down, could change your eligibility status). If you have a work schedule conflict and have already had your income checked for program eligibility, you may call Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley at (828) 328-4663, ext. 310 for an alternate time.
Reservations are not required, but guarantee you an application packet, should you choose to have one.
No child care is provided, so please make your own child care arrangements.
Give the Gift of Home
No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to feel strong and stable each day. We deserve to know we have the power to take care of ourselves and build our own futures.
At Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley, this is the vision that unites us. Through shelter, we empower. Because you, me, we – every single one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future.
Last year, your gift helped build the Gruvers’ house and now this year they’ll spend their first Christmas in a home of their own. And Carol will be safe, warm, and dry in her home because of your generosity to our new Habitat Repairs! program. These are but two of the hundreds of stories we could tell of the difference your support has made over the years.
This holiday season, we need your help to continue to make the Christmas wishes of families in need come true. Please consider a gift to Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley. Honorariums are an option – what an amazing gesture to make in someone’s name! Habitat will send them a beautiful Christmas card acknowledging your gift.
Please consider giving the gift of a home during this holiday season. Gifts can also be made in honor or in memorium of a loved one.
Thank You – Guest Registration
Thank you for registering your guest with Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley. If you need to register another guest, just return back to the form and submit the information for your next guest.
Thank You
Thank you for your interest in Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley. A staff member will contact you as soon as possible in reference to your inquiry/interest.
Thank You – ReStore
Thank you for your donation to ReStore Habitat Catawba Valley. A staff member will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your pick up.
ReStore Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are needed in Habitat’s ReStore to help sort and price incoming donations, arrange displays, and run the cash register. Our greatest need is for those who can make a regular weekly commitment of 3-4 hours or more, but one-time or occasional volunteers are also needed.
Merchandising and Customer Service
Pricing and Stocking
Warehouse Receiving and Loading
Fabric and BooksTesting, Repairs and Scrap
Because each day is different, depending on donations and sales, consider cross training in a few work areas. You never know where you’ll be needed at the ReStore.
Disclaimer: A visit to the ReStore and Habitat Orientation are required before volunteering. Come in, visit the store, meet the staff and volunteers, shop, and learn about Habitat for Humanity of Catawba Valley.
You can see our Volunteer Opportunities Online. For more information, email our Community Outreach Coordinator or call us at 828-328-4663, extension 315.
Why Donate to the ReStore?
Remodeling, cleaning, down-sizing or just getting organized? Whatever your project, don’t let the items you no longer need end up in your local landfill.
When you donate to the ReStore, four things happen:
- You get rid of unwanted items in your home.
- You keep items from being thrown into our already overflowing landfills.
- You receive a tax deduction.
- You help Habitat for Humanity provide affordable housing solutions in Catawba County.
Donations are accepted Monday – Saturday from 10:00am-4:45pm at ReStore Catawba Valley: 1615 8th St Dr SE, Hickory, NC 28602.
If you would like to donate a large item but are unable to bring it to the ReStore, just fill out our online donation form, and we can schedule a time to pick up your donation.
Collegiate Challenge
Need info