bringing it home

your support opens the door for more families

Family Spotlight: Zach and Jodie

“When we got the acceptance letter, we just couldn’t stop smiling. We just knew in that moment – whatever it meant – we were going to have a chance to create a safe, clean, and long-lasting home not just for our kids but for our family.”  – Zach and Jodie, Habitat Homebuyers in process.


HopeBuilders Society


When they close on their mortgage and open the door of their new Habitat home, life will change for Zach and Jodie. Because of their hard work, they will have the security, strength, and self-reliance that comes from affordable homeownership.

A decent, energy efficient house with a predictable, affordable mortgage provides families the financial flexibility to invest in education, healthcare, nutrition, and future goals. When you wake up today not needing to worry about where you will sleep tomorrow, you can start making plans for all the days that follow. Through our HopeBuilders society, you can help families dream big.

Monthly HopeBuilder gifts – no matter the size – can make a big impact over time. Your recurring gift provides predicable support that allows Habitat to confidently make long-term, large-scale plans. It is the cornerstone to building strength through shelter.

Your continued generosity builds more than just homes. Your ongoing support builds the most powerful tool of all – hope. As a HopeBuilder, you can come alongside families just like yours who are opening the door to a stronger future.

It is an amazing thing to own your own safe housing, and be able to provide that for our children Being a homeowner means being able to be proud and know that we have provided for our three children.”  – Zach and Jodie, Habitat Homebuyers in process.

Moments like this are made possible only by the support of community members like you. With your help, more families can open the door to brighter tomorrows. Consider making a donation today.